

25岁的布雷特·埃尔南德斯·马林在讲台上发言 布雷特·埃尔南德斯·马林,25岁威尼斯正版官方网站 has concluded the most ambitious 资本运动 in its 165-year history by raising over $185 million to support student scholarships, 资本改善和萨斯奎哈纳的捐赠.

大学校长 乔纳森•格林 在返校聚会周末宣布萨斯奎汉娜 引起 Capital 运动比1.6亿美元的目标高出2500多万美元.

" 引起 加强我们的使命,为学生提供变革, 世界一流的教育为他们的生产力做好准备, 创造性和反思的生活成就, 领导和服务于多元化, 动态和相互依存的世界,格林说. “感谢慷慨的捐助者, 威尼斯正版官方网站准备在高等教育中上升到一个新的领导水平. 今天的学生, 以及萨斯奎汉纳人的后代, 会从我们今天庆祝的事情中获得回报吗.”

近1.6万件礼物 引起 to its history-making conclusion, with a remarkable 40 gifts of $1 million or more. The 运动 shines a spotlight on the enviable loyalty and engagement Susquehanna enjoys with its supportive base of alumni, 父母, 教师, 帮助实现以下目标的工作人员和朋友:


  • 构建协作 -成立于2022年秋季, Build Collaborative is dedicated to hands-on learning that enables students to build products, 为研究或商业创造创意, 建立同侪关系网,发展事业.
  • 的博士. 理查德E. 和Sally F. 卡鲁索指导和创新中心 -萨斯奎哈纳创业教育中心, 该空间包括各种用于头脑风暴和大型的白板, 安装在墙上的触摸屏. 该空间的亮点是Ideum Duet多点触控咖啡桌, 配备超高清显示器的, 3MTM触摸技术和intel i7四核计算机.
  • 妇女领导倡议 —支持符号S. 盖茨1971年和道恩·G. Mueller ’68 Women’s Leadership Fund, established with a successful $3 million challenge gift. 该倡议支持一个健壮的, four-year preparation plan for every female participant that includes career treks to major cities and job-shadowing experiences that connect them with Susquehanna alumni.

“资本竞选就是要把梦想变成现实,Melissa Komora说, 威尼斯正版官方网站晋升副总裁. “They are a testament to the power of community 和 belief that when we come together with a common purpose, 我们可以取得非凡的成就.”

“We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming support our donors displayed during the 引起 运动,68届穆勒的道恩·格里格说, vice chair of Susquehanna’s 校董会 and co-chair of the 运动 committee, 詹姆斯·邓洛普01年, 董事会副主席兼财务主管和竞选委员会成员. “Their contributions will pave the way for fresh possibilities at Susquehanna and will enhance every facet of the university, cementing SU’s reputation as a place where extraordinary education and experiences thrive.”

威尼斯正版官方网站 公开发布 它的资本运动 引起 in 2021. The 运动 had been privately gaining momentum since early 2012 despite challenges presented by the Covid pandemic that delayed the 运动’s public announcement.

1994年查尔斯B. 德根斯坦基金会,2017年 1000万美元的礼物 in 2018 from the late Lucille Arthur, widow of Doug Arthur ’49, were notable early gifts. 委员会成员 校董会 参与率是100%, 承诺超过4100万美元, 包括全力支持招生楼的建设, 这是该运动的第一个重大资本项目, and a $6 million challenge gift that was earned when Susquehanna raised $6 million toward its endowment in the year following the 运动’s public announcement.